Increase Your Blog Or Website Visitors and Rank Using Backlink

What is backlink?

A link from an external page (with different domain or server) that refers to your website are know as backlinks in seo. They are also called incoming links.Backlinks tell search engines like google, yahoo and bing how popular your website is. All achnor texts are one of the form backlinks.Natural backlinks are more valuable to search engines than reciprocal links, as they are harder to get.So,Increase your blog or website rank by using backlink and get more traffic than before now.

Top popular backlink directory site are given below :

Directory Url :

How to Improve Your Search Rankings with Social Media, 12 ways to Improve Alexa Ranking of Your Website, Top 15 Killer Tips To Increase Page Rank, 3 Ways to Use Social Media to Improve Your Search Rankings, 6 Tips to Rank High in Google's Search Engine, How to Improve Your Page Rank, How to Increase Alexa Ranking of your Blog, 101 Simple Tips To Increase Website Traffic, Top Ways to Increase Backlinks of your Blog and Websites

Submit Your Blog/Website in 700 Search Engines Easily and Increase Website Rank .

Today, you'll have to introduce a software with which you are comfortable 700 search engines - you can submit your site. You can operate it from the desktop. That any kind of blog, site, any CMS, suitable for upgraded.
What is Hello Engines!?

Hello Engines! is a must for anyone who owns a website, from a blog to a retail page or even a company website.

Hello Engines! is a powerful software package that ensures that your website is technically error-free and optimized and therefore you'll achieve the best ranking positions in search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing.

Hello Engines! can detect and eliminate all problems that hinder the success of your website. As a result, you'll achieve better search engine rankings which will increase traffic to your website free of charge.

After a thorough analysis of your website, technical errors or problems will be listed in clearly-structured tables. All problems can be corrected in the program itself. You no longer need additional programs from third parties (e.g. HTML editors, FTP clients or Link-Checker).

Hello Engines! further analyzes essential factors relating to search engine optimization and provides useful tips how to improve your website.

Hello Engines! helps you to find out which search engines your website has not been listed in the index so far and allows you to submit your website to these search engines specifically.

Clearly-structured reports reveal errors and technical weaknesses found on your website during the analysing process. By comparing the results of your website analysis with the results for the top listed ones, you'll be able to understand which corrections are still required and which improvements have already been achieved.

Hello Engines! will help you to attract more visitors to your website.

. Therefore, very easy interface and desktop software.

It is easy to use.

Social Follow Box Slider Widget For Blogger

social box slider widget for blogger

Follow boxes are very useful to get followers on social networks but when there is a number of social profiles like Facebook, twitter, Linkedin, Google+ then it becomes a problem to show all the follow boxes n blog because of a limited space. Another problem of adding many follow boxes is they take alot of time to load and slows down blogs, therefore bloggers use to add follow buttons in blogs as they loads faster and don't take too much space on blog. But if one wish to add all boxes on his blog without loosing his blog speed and space he would need an all in one widget which has all follow boxes and takes lesser time to load and lesser space too. For the same purpose I have created an awesome widget which contains all follow boxes(Google+, Facebook, Twitter and linkedin) and takes least time to load. It is a social profile slider. It sliders each social profile equal interval of time and takes space of only one social profile box, you can take a look in above animated image. You can adjust the time of sliding in this widget. I have added only four most popular social networks in it, since I don't use Linkedin that's why I have add its CEO's profile in it.

Hope you like it. Its very easy to install this widget in blogger but we have to use a trick to add it because if we try to add this widget manually like other gadgets, it will not work so If you want to add this widget in your blog follow below steps:

Step 1: Go to blogger dashboard.

Step 2: Select template in the menu on your left hand side and click on Edit Html.

Step 3: Search for below code in the Html code by using Ctrl+F on your keyboard:

<b:section-contents id='sidebar-right-1'> 

Step 4: Just below it paste the below code:

<b:widget id='HTML20' locked='false' title='Slide follow box' type='HTML'>
    <b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url != &quot;;'>
  <!-- only display title if it's non-empty -->
  <b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'>
    <h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2>
  <div class='widget-content'>
<script src=''/>
<div class='cycle-slideshow' data-cycle-fx='fade' data-cycle-pager='#no-template-pager' data-cycle-pager-event='mouseover' data-cycle-pager-template='mouseover' data-cycle-slides='&gt; div' data-cycle-timeout='10000' style='position: relative;height: 330px; right: 10px;'>
<div class='fb-wrap social-widget cycle-slide' style='position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: 96; opacity: 0; display: block; visibility: hidden;'>
<div class='fb-page' data-adapt-container-width='true' data-height='330px' data-hide-cover='false' data-href='' data-show-facepile='true' data-show-posts='true' data-small-header='false' data-width='240px'><div class='fb-xfbml-parse-ignore'/></div>

<div class='twitter-wrap social-widget cycle-slide' data-twttr-id='twttr-sandbox-0' style='position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: 100; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; display: block;'><a class='twitter-timeline' data-widget-id='560163045163282433' height='341' href='' width='234'/>
<a class='twitter-timeline' data-dnt='true' data-widget-id='647452823882493952' href=''/>
<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?&#39;http&#39;:&#39;https&#39;;if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+&quot;://;;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,&quot;script&quot;,&quot;twitter-wjs&quot;);</script>

  <div class='google-wrap social-widget cycle-slide cycle-slide-active' style='position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: 99; visibility: visible; opacity: 1; display: block;'>
        <div id='___page_0' style='text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border-style: none; float: none; line-height: normal; font-size: 1px; vertical-align: baseline; display: inline-block; width: 234px; height: 338px; background: transparent;'><!-- Place this tag in your head or just before your close body tag. -->
<script src=''/>

<!-- Place this tag where you want the widget to render. -->
<div class='g-page' data-href='//' data-rel='publisher' data-width='234'/>
    </div><div class='linkedin-wrap cycle-slide' style='position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: 97; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; display: block;'>
<script src='//' type='text/javascript'/>
<script data-format='inline' data-id='/in/jeffweiner08' data-related='false' type='IN/MemberProfile'/>
<a class='auth-101' href='' rel='nofollow'>Powered By 101Helper</a>

  <b:include name='quickedit'/>

Step 5: Now search for ]]></b:skin> and paste below code above it:
/* Slider CSS by 101Helper*/ 
    padding: 0 0 0 152px;
    position: relative;
top: 27px;
right: 97px;
    width: 221px;
top: -3px;
right: 120px;
#slides hr{
    border:0 solid #fff;
    border-top:1px dashed #d8d9db;
#slides p{
    font-family: HelveticaNeue, Arial, sans-serif;
    height: 109px;
    line-height: 17px;
    width: 221px;

    padding:32px 0 0 145px;
    margin-bottom: 30px;
    position: relative;
top: 27px;
right: 97px;
    overflow: hidden; }

.social li{
    float: left;
    margin-right: 10px;
    position: relative;

.social a{
    display: block;
    height: 48px;
    width: 46px;

/* active state */

.social-widget {
    border: 5px solid #A5CBE2;
    border-radius: 6px 6px 6px 6px;
position: relative;
top: 27px;
right: 97px;

    height: 341px;
    margin-left: 130px;
    width: 234px;

.google-wrap {
    height: 338px;
    margin-left: 130px;
    width: 234px;
    /* fix flashing widget */
    .google-wrap iframe { visibility: hidden !important; }
    .google-wrap.cycle-slide-active iframe { visibility: visible !important; }

.twitter-wrap {
    height: 341px;
    margin-left: 130px;
    width: 234px;

.linkedin-wrap {
    margin-top: -5px;
    margin-left: 80px;

    position: relative;
    left: 180px;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 13px;
.IN-widget {
    height: 341px;
    background-color: #fff;
/* Slider CSS by 101Helper*/ 

Step 6: Now search for <head> and paste below code below it:
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 

Step 7: Click on save template and move to next step.

Step 8: Now go to layout and edit the newly added gadget having title Slide follow box.

Step 9: Copy the below code and paste it into it:

<div class='cycle-slideshow' data-cycle-fx='fade' data-cycle-pager='#no-template-pager' data-cycle-pager-event='mouseover' data-cycle-pager-template='mouseover' data-cycle-slides='&gt; div' data-cycle-timeout='10000' style='position: relative;'></div>
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
  js = d.createElement(s); = id;
  js.src = "//";
  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>

Step 10: Click on save and you are done.

Open your blog to see the sliding follow box.


First of all you have to replace your social profile ID's with mine so replace all the black text with your social profile ID's in the code used above in step 4

If you have any question ask me in comments.

I have designed this gadget to fix at normal gadget position but if it has irregular position on your blog you can change its position by adjusting the numbers highlighted in code used in step 5 

Further you can customize its sliding speed by changing the number(10000) used in code in step 4 and step 9 highlighted with yellow color. If you want to change the sliding speed you have to change number 10000 two times one in the code used in step 4 and one in the code used in step 9. The default number is 10000 which means 10 seconds so every follow box will appear after 10 seconds, if you wish to slide it in 5 seconds replace 10000 with 5000 similarly for 4 seconds 4000, for 8 seconds 8000 and so on, but make sure to change number in code used in both step 4 and step 9. If you further have any question ask me in comments or contact me

Thanks for visiting 101Helper, follow and subscribe on Homepage to get latest updates about unique blogger gadgets. Share this post with others and help 101Helper grow. Vote this post up by below star ratings.

Search tags: Social follow box slider widget for blogger, sliding follow box widget for blogger, follow box for blogger with stylish design, all in one follow box for blogger, Facebook follow box, Twitter follow box, Google+ follow box and Linkedin follow box for blogger, blogger gadgets, unique gadgets for blogger, 101Helper blogger gadgets.

Most Popular and Best Premium Free Blogger Templates Download Sites

Many Blogger are using Google Blogspot Blog.It has so much features which was given by Google absolutely free for lifetime with some condition .But , Blogger Premium Templates are not available in Google site.So,We sometimes and mostly need some useful sites to download free Templates . Today I will introduce you some all time best ,popular and top sites .

Most Popular and Best Premium  Free Blogger Templates Download Sites

Some of these sites are given below :

Convert Your Image To TXT Format By a Small Portable Software.

Sometime,We need to convert our images / pictures into a (TXT) Text Format to gives fun and happy  among our relatives ,friends ,partners and so on .So,Today I will introduce you a Portable Software by which you can Transfer Image to TXT.

Convert Your Image To TXT(Text) Format

At first download that software from the given below link .

Ascii generator 2 courtesi 2

* After Download Open that software and click on "Import image" then "Load Image".

* Load a Image from you PC Which you want to make TXT Format . 

* You can customize and modify as like as you want from given toolbar.

* After Editing Save the file as  Black and white, Txt, color , Image type you want .

Its interface is so easy that I don't need to explain with details.Anybody can do it ,I wish. 

Thats all.

Most Popular 15 Websites For Kids and Childreen.

Today, I will introduce you 15 most popular sites for kids .Which are listed continuously by  eBizMBA Rank , Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors , Compete Rank , Quantcast Rank  and Alexa Rank . 

Most Popular 15 Websites For Kids and Childreen

Lets have look on these Top and Most popular website for kids.
These are given below :

1.  Nick

932 � eBizMBA Rank |
4,800,000 � Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors |
159� Compete Rank |
NA� Quantcast Rank |
 1,705� Alexa Rank.

2. PBSKids

967 � eBizMBA Rank |
4,600,000 � Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors |
 267� Compete Rank |
817� Quantcast Rank |
 1,817� Alexa Rank.

3.  Nick jr
1,085 � eBizMBA Rank |
 4,500,000 � Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors |
 313� Compete Rank |
NA� Quantcast Rank |
1,857� Alexa Rank.

4.  Club Penguin
1,123 � eBizMBA Rank |
4,400,000 � Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors |
647� Compete Rank |
1,336� Quantcast Rank |
 1,387� Alexa Rank.

5.  Cartoon Network
1,158 � eBizMBA Rank |
4,300,000 � Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors |
 212� Compete Rank |
1,284� Quantcast Rank |
1,977� Alexa Rank.

6.  Yahoo! Kids
1,500 � eBizMBA Rank |
4,100,000 � Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors |
*2,000*� Compete Rank |
*1,000*� Quantcast Rank |
NA� Alexa Rank

7.   PopTropica
1,821 � eBizMBA Rank |
2,750,000 � Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors |
 518� Compete Rank |
 205� Quantcast Rank |
 4,740� Alexa Rank.

8.   MoshiMonsters
1,827 � eBizMBA Rank |
 2,700,000 � Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors |
1,014� Compete Rank |
985� Quantcast Rank |
3,483� Alexa Rank.

9.  Webkinz
2,192 � eBizMBA Rank |
2,600,000 � Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors |
 542� Compete Rank |
1,700� Quantcast Rank |
4,334� Alexa Rank.

10.  Stardoll
2,208 � eBizMBA Rank |
 2,520,000 � Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors |
985� Compete Rank |
 1,988� Quantcast Rank |
3,650� Alexa Rank.

11. Funbrain
2,362 � eBizMBA Rank |
2,500,000 � Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors |
 521� Compete Rank |
216� Quantcast Rank |
6,348� Alexa Rank.

12. Cool Math Games
3,395 � eBizMBA Rank |
1,950,000 � Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors |
656� Compete Rank |
NA� Quantcast Rank |
6,134� Alexa Rank.

13. Neopets
3,631 � eBizMBA Rank |
1,800,000 � Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors |
 1,357� Compete Rank |
6,202� Quantcast Rank |
3,333� Alexa Rank.

14.   Primary Games

4,393 � eBizMBA Rank |
1,400,000 � Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors |
 825� Compete Rank |
 466� Quantcast Rank |
11,888� Alexa Rank.

15.   Fantage
6,222 � eBizMBA Rank |
550,000 � Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors |
 901� Compete Rank |
NA� Quantcast Rank |
11,543� Alexa Rank.

Most Popular and Useful Websites for Blogger and Website Owner

Today ,I will introduce you a list of websites which could be useful for your blogging purpose .Do you have a website or blog ? Then this article can be very essential for you.InThis article you can view a lot of major popular, useful, trusted and best Social bookmarking sites, Trusted advertising

How To Back Up Blogger Template and Restore It.

Many of Blogger has blog on Google Blogger (Google Blogspot Blog) . Google provides us this blog for free.By a Google account we can use it free continuously.It have not only too much features but also so much features to control overall bloging .But, It gives us a limited Option tools on it to control easily .But,By using Programming Code we can customize and modify it on various types.Today ,I will provide a essential tips for Google Blogger .The Tips is "How To Back Up Blogger Template and Restore it".

How To Back Up Blogger Template and Restore it

How To Back Up Blogger Template :

1. At first , Login you blog and select the blog which template need to back up.

2. Click on template option from blogger Dashboard.

3. Now in the top right corner you will see  "Backup / Restore" Button.

4. Click on it and select "Download full template" .

5. Chose the location to save the template in your PC .

Now you have a backup of your Blogger template. Now you can make changes to your template and if anything goes wrong you can simply restore the template.

How To Restore Blogger Template :

1. Go to your Blogger dashboard and open templates.

2. Select "Backup/Restore" button from top right corner.

3. Choose a template file from your computer and click upload.

Note: The template file should be in XML file when you upload.

I wish , By following this method you can easily Backup and Restore Blogger Template.

Learn how to backup blogger template and steps to restore it, How To Backup / Restore Template in Blogger?, How to Backup your Blogger Template (and Restore It!), How to backup Blogger template and how to restore blogger , How to Backup or Restore Your Blogger Template, How to Backup/Restore template in new blogger interface, How to Backup or Restore a Blogger Template?, How to backup/Restore your Blogger/ Blogspot blog template, How to Take Complete Backup or Restore Blogger template, How To Backup, Restore, and Change Your Blogger Blog template, How to Backup and Restore Blogger Template, How to apply external templates to blogger or restore 

How To Forward Your Email From Your Hosting Server To Your Custom Email Account

Today,I will provide you a special tips.The Tips is about "How To Forward Your Custom Email From Your Hosting Server To Your Gmail .".Althougt This tips is very simple but i wish it will be very helpful for you.

To do this tusk follow this instruction :

1. At first,Login your cpanel and then click on mail Forwarders Button.

2. And then,Click Add Forwarder Button .

3. Then, Input your email address which need to forward on upper gap and Input your email address where need to forward on bottom gap.

 You can you use any other email address .Like YahooMail,GoogleMail etc.

4. After all, Click on Add Forwarder Buttton .

After completing this story which mail you will receive on your Host Mail (Which provided by hosting server ) will be automatically forwarded on your Custom Mail Server you provide.

How to setup Free Email Forwarding, Can I set up email address at my domain?, Forward Your Domain Email at Gmail, How to forward custom email address, How to Set Up an Email Account that Uses Your Domain, Using a custom domain name with Gmail 

Basic Essential 20 SEO Tips for New Blogger and Website Owner

Today, I will provide you a special tips which is so much important for new blogger and website owner.Without essential traffic a blog or website is valueless.So To get many visitor for your blog / website you need to apply some SEO on your blog / website.SEO is the best way to gain lot of traffic.Some Essential 20 Tips are givem below for you to make you a happy smile :

1.  Firstly, Use such as Blog / Post Title for Site which may be easy to search by Search Engines and your post discription Tag must need to include on your Post Title.

2.  Use Different types of  Meta Tag and Meta Text for every page.Post Continously about Useful article containg most wanted and search keyword.

3.  Use CSS without using Table.

4.  Use keyword on h1 Tag as your Title.

5.  Make available to show your sitemap.Like as : Home>>Service>>SEO

6.  Use Text link without using Picture link.

7.  Use keyword on navigation link.

8.  Use keyword on file name, picture name and link.

9.  Use friendly link as much as possible.

10.  At first time , Don't try to use more and more link on your on you site.

11.  Comment on different simillar site as like as your site / site keyword or post and when commenting leave your site / simillar article based on your site link along your comment.

12.  Use javascript and CSS for different types of file.

13.  Insert / Add Robot.Text file for your site .

If you have no idea about How to  Insert / Add Robot.Text file for your site.Then you may follw the given article.

How to create and add Robot.txt for tour site

14.  Create a Google Sitemap for your site.

15.  Create a Feed for your site.

16.  Make your article keyword base and enlarge as visitors friendly.

17.  Submit your link on different Link / Website directories.

Top 20 High Page rank free blog directories are provided for you.

18.  Join on different types of blog and explain there about your Blog / Website.

19.  Use Google Analysis to review on your website and Google Adword to search most popular keywords.

20. Use your own keyword on your Site Logo, Picture, Banner etc.

Visitors are the life of a Website / Blog.So,Always try to gain more unique traffic.


Essential SEO Tips & Techniques, Important SEO Tips for Your Website, Simple Tips To Optimize Your Website, Basic SEO Tips, Essential SEO Settings for Every New Blogger

