Are you too sluggish to be an efficacious Blogger?

blogger success

Every blogger has a dream that s/he will be efficacious or effective or successful blogger by their blog. But most of them can�t fulfill their dream. You have good writing quality with productive thought but you are not succeeding in your blogging career. This is only happen if you bit sluggish or lazy or inactive in your blogging which is main hindrance to become popular and effective blogger.

I have personally found many new blogger who are writing very well but not regular and their blog is not appealing to the visitors on for a silly reason. You can say that you're starting to get lazy.

Sometimes a blogger has not enough time to research well before writing an article. In the end, the side effects of being a lazy blogger is a blog growth slow or not you do not grow.

So I have summarize some sluggish nature of a blogger that make unsuccessful.

Not moderating and responding to comments

It is important to interact with readers spontaneously otherwise you will lose readers. When a reader make comment you should publish on time and reply the comment as soon as possible. If you take two or more days to moderate a comment then a commentator won�t feel happy to stay on your blog. Suppose they need some solution on a specific problem so you must moderate and reply the comment as soon possible.

Some bloggers do not have time to respond to readers who leave comments on your blog. Especially in some PR5 blog. Before start my blogging career I used to read some popular blog but I won�t mentioned the name where I make comment but didn�t get any reply from author. And some of blog don�t publish my comment where I have written very constructive message. So finally I have stop visiting those blogs.  As everyone knows it is important to engage with your readers to keep them coming back and enjoying your blog.

lazy blogger

Written articles is not well researched

You are often sluggish or lazy to research an article before writing.  If you are writing a post on a particular topic is always good to research and try to cover most accurate information from research outcomes in your writing. It is often suggested to take time to develop some level of knowledge on the selected subject so you can speak from experience.

Limited involvement with social networks

There are many social media site over the net. But most of the blogger only get connected mostly with Facebook and Twitter. Beside of this there are huge social networking site where you can create your blog page but due to laziness your do not connect with them where you can divert some traffic as well as Do-follow backlinks.

You should spend some time in social networking site to vote for other articles, engage in conversation and try to build online presence so nice and strong with community members. I realize that the most successful are those who dedicate time to engage and build relationships with other bloggers.

lazy blog

Are you too sluggish to be an efficacious blogger?

So what do you think about you that are you sluggish or not? If yes then you must change your blogging behavior with readers. As soon as you can try to overcome from the above sluggish nature to be an efficacious blogger.

Sometime you may go in tour for spend holiday so in this case you may make an announcement about your holiday or tour time thus your blog readers can understand when they can interact with you. It will reduce many misconception and you can become a efficacious blogger. 
