Where to learn CSS and HTML for Blog Development?

CSS and HTML tutorial

A blogger should have sound knowledge about CSS and HTML. If you want to design template then you must know the CSS and HTML. It may seems to you bit harder because you would find most of the site who are provide you ready made code where has little chances to learn but you should follow some proper CSS and HTML resource site where you can learn basic elements of coding language and ultimately you would able to make some widget with your own way.

Latest updated version of CSS and HTML is CSS3 and HTML5, so as a blogger you should acquire some knowledge on it. So I am going to share best 8 site which is absolutely rich with huge content and you can become a master and expert coder by learning from those site.

1. css-tricks.com

This is number one site in learning CSS. Most of the blogger use this site as handy. There are millions of visitors are visiting everyday to learn CSS from this site. This site simply rocks in CSS. You would find ample tutorials and tricks about CSS. Most of the popular blogger and template designer follow this site to develop themselves. Even my CSS base has grown from that site. If you want to learn CSS I must recommend to all of my blog visitors. Not only CSS but also they are publishing some HTML5 tutorials.
CSS tricks

  • Site Address: http://www.css-tricks.com

2. w3schools.com

This is the most popular site where you can learn about CSS and HTML. If you are a newbie then you should follow this site�s resource to grow your blog or development of CSS and HTML base widget. You would find many tutorial in PDF format which will explain you about tutorial. This is a great site for blogger.  Because they have HTML5 Tutorials, CSS References and Quiz Tests.

w3 school 
  • Site Address: http://www.w3schools.com/  

3. Html Dog

It goes without say that html dog is best for HTML coding. You would get huge in-depth tutorial about HTML. So this is a useful site for HTML coder. The navigation system of this site is quite easy and user friendly. So it is very easy to find resources quickly.
HTML dog
  • Site Address: http://www.htmldog.com/            

5. CSSeasy.com

This site will teach you about proper implementation of CSS coding. This site has easily explained all the code even the code is bigger. It is really hard for a newbie to learn CSS but CSS easy site made it simple and flexible to learn. Beside of this you would find wide range of CSS tutorial for web development. You can easily learn from that site and implement on your blog.

  • Site Address: http://www.csseasy.com/              

6. Alistapart.com

AlistapartThis site is also good for CSS learner. Allstapart is also dedicated for their visitors. They provide enormous handy tips and tutorial for learners. Most of the blogger use related post widget to display similar post to visitors. Similarly this site will provide wide range of related tutorial for learning essential related topics.

  • Site Address: http://alistapart.com/topics    

7. Codecademy.com

Code academy is best for learning HTML. This site focused on beginner�s coder. So if you are a newbie then visit the site for best tutorial that will help you to tailor your coding knowledge. Visitors also get workbook there as exercise style that help you to acquire coding knowledge. 

code academy 
  • Site Address: http://www.codecademy.com/   

8. HTML 5 Rocks 

This is newly launched best site for HTML5 tutorial. If you really want to learn HTML5 then you must follow this site. Here you would find many tutorials about HTML5 and daily many tutorials are including for learners. Because of latest trend a blogger should learn HTML5.


  • Site Address: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/            

Hope the above referral site would be help you to grow your blogging career and you would be an expert CSS and HTML coder. If you have any more suggestion to add with this then feel free to share with us.
