Delete, change or re-format the "Showing posts with label" message.

This article explains options for deleting, or changing the content or formatting of Blogger's "Showing posts with  LABEL.  Show all posts" message and it's ugly grey box.

If your blog has a Layout or Designer template, then when a person who is reading it chooses a label value, Blogger displays a page with (a summary of) your most recent posts with that label.

If there are more posts that Blogger is willing to show on one page, then there will also be "older posts" and "newer posts" links at the bottom of the page.

And - unless you have removed it - there will also be a message at the top of the page saying "Showing posts with label yourLabel. Show all posts"

Reader actions that cause a visitor to see this message include:
  • Clicking a label value that is displayed in your post header or footer
    (unless you have turned them off in the Layout > Blog Posts edit option).
  • Clicking a link that you have manually set up to show posts with a specific label (eg if you have used a Pages gadget to make a menu bar, and one of the options in it has a value like

Unfortunately Blogger does not provide any way to customize or configure this message.
But it is easy enough to totally delete it, or to change the formatting, or to change the text..

How to delete the "Showing posts with LABEL" message

There are two ways that you can remove the "Showing posts with Label.   Show all posts" message.

Option 1:   Remove the code totally.   

To do this,

1  Edit your template in the usual way

2  Find the following text
<b:includable id='status-message'>
<b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
<div class='status-msg-wrap'>
<div class='status-msg-body'>
<div class='status-msg-border'>
<div class='status-msg-bg'>
<div class='status-msg-hidden'><data:navMessage/></div>
<div style='clear: both;'/>

3   Delete that text and replace it with
<b:includable id='status-message'>
<b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
<div style='clear: both;'/>

(If you just delete the text and do not put the replacement in, then it is possible that Blogger will add that section back in again later.)

Option 2:  Hiding the message using CSS

To do this, add  this CSS rule to your template in the usual way:
.status-msg-body {
display: none;
(This approach is less risky because you do not need to edit your template, and because it's easier to change later.   But some people have reported that on their template, it has not worked.)

How to change the format of the "Showing posts with LABEL" message

Some people don't mind the actual  "Showing posts with Label.   Show all posts" message.   But they want to format it in a way that suits their blog's layout and colour scheme.

This is easily done, by adding some extra CSS rules to your template in the usual way.

To change the format of the message text, use rules like this:
.status-msg-body {
text-align: left;
line-height: 1.4;   
font-weight: bold;
color: red;
padding: 0.5em 0.3em;
width: 100%;

To change the grey-shaded background or the box:
.status-msg-wrap {
width: 100%;
margin: 0 auto;   /*  keep the auto statement if the width is less than 100%, so the box is centered */
position: relative;

There are a wide range of options - check with CSS reference guides for the options.   You may need to carry out some experiments with your template and how it looks with various options to decide on the best combination for your blog.

How to change the "Showing posts with LABEL" message

There are several ways that you can change the text in the "Showing posts with Label.   Show all posts" message.

Option 1:   Just replace it with some text

To show a sentence of your own instead of Blogger's standard message, 

1  Edit your template in the usual way

2  Find the following text
<b:includable id='status-message'>
<b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
<div class='status-msg-wrap'>
<div class='status-msg-body'>
<div class='status-msg-border'>
<div class='status-msg-bg'>
<div class='status-msg-hidden'><data:navMessage/></div>
<div style='clear: both;'/>

3   Replace the line in bold (ie <data:navMessage/> ) with your own words.

For example, you might say
<b:includable id='status-message'>
<b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
<div class='status-msg-wrap'>
<div class='status-msg-body'>
Posts in this category include (use the Older Posts link to see previous posts):
<div class='status-msg-border'>
<div class='status-msg-bg'>
<div class='status-msg-hidden'><data:navMessage/></div>
<div style='clear: both;'/>

To show the searched-for label value in your message, you need to use the   <data:blog.searchLabel/>   tag. For example, you might say
<b:includable id='status-message'>
<b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
<div class='status-msg-wrap'>
<div class='status-msg-body'>
Posts about <data:blog.searchLabel/>  include (use the Older Posts link to see previous posts):
<div class='status-msg-border'>
<div class='status-msg-bg'>
<div class='status-msg-hidden'><data:navMessage/></div>
<div style='clear: both;'/>

Note:  if you are going to use this tag, then you need to choose your label values very carefully, so that they all make sense.   For example, in one blog I have some posts labelled "For quiz organizers" and others labelled "Finance", "Organisation" etc.    There is no way that I can write a sentence including the labels that makes sense for both of these.

Related Articles:

Add 2 Column above and below Blogger Post Body


Adding column is a very simple technique for blogger but sometimes it is hard for newbie. As earlier I have shared with you that how to split sidebar into 2 column and today I will share with you the trick that we would able to create 2 column above and bottom of the blog post body.

Step 1 Log in to your blogger account and Click on Template  ->

Step 2 Now click on Edit HTML-> Unfold code  ?

Step 3 Now find ]]></b:skin> by Pressing Ctrl + F

Step 4 And Paste the below code above ]]></b:skin> and save your template

/*Extra Column by*/
#Spicy Column h2{
border-bottom:2px solid #000000;
#Spicy Column{
width:600px; /*Change width */
width:295px; /*width of the left column*/
width:295px; /*width of the right column*/

Extra column

Add 2 Column above Blog Post Body

Step 1 Now find <div id='main-wrapper'> by Pressing Ctrl + F

Step 2 And Paste the below code above <div id='main-wrapper'> and save your template

<div id='Spicy Column'><b:section class='Spiceleft' id='Spiceleft'/><b:section class='Spiceright' id='Spiceright'/></div>

Add 2 Column below Blog Post Body

Now we will add column below post body. So follow the below steps-

Step 1 Now find like below code by Pressing  Ctrl + F

<div id='main-wrapper'>
<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'/>

Step 2 And now code like below.

<div id='main-wrapper'>
<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'/>
<div id='Spicy Column'><b:section class='Spiceleft' id='Spiceleft'/><b:section class='Spiceright' id='Spiceright'/></div></div>

if you face any problem then feel free to contact with me. I will reply you as soon as possible.

How to Add Elements and split under Blogger Sidebar?

blogger tutorial

Often we see many blogger template contain that split sidebar that helps the blogger to add Blogger labels vertically or we can easily add 160px X 600px Ad unit. So this is very effective for blogger to save space. Because if you don't split sidebar and add any widget then it will occupy the whole space. Adding  element (add a gadget) under the existing sidebar is very simple trick. If you are well known about blog coding then understanding the code will be much easier. So I am sharing with you the trick that will help you to split your current blogger sidebar into 2 column. just follow the simple steps from below.

Step 1 Log in to your blogger account and Click on Template  ->

Step 2 Now click on Edit HTML-> Unfold code  ?

Step 3 Now find like below code by Pressing  Ctrl + F

#sidebar-wrapper {
width: 300px;
float: $startSide;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */

Note that sidebar-wrapper width may 280px, 300px or 310px or any other number so don't worry. just focus on Sidebar-Wrapper.

Step 4 And now replace the code by below code.

#sidebar-wrapper {
margin:10px auto;
padding:0.5% 0;

Step 5 Now add the below code after above code (from Step 4)


Step 6  Now find the code like below

<div id='sidebar-wrapper'>
<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'>   

Step 7  Finally add the below code after </b:section>

<b:section class='sidebar' id='Spice-left' preferred='yes'/>
<b:section class='sidebar' id='Spice-right' preferred='yes'/>

The final code will be look like below-

<div id='sidebar-wrapper'>
<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'>   
<b:section class='sidebar' id='Spice-left' preferred='yes'/><b:section class='sidebar' id='Spice-right' preferred='yes'/></div>

Now check your blog layout view and see that your blog sidebar has split  into 2 column. There are some optional step which you may use from below.


Optional Step

If you wish to fix your new splited elements under sidebar according to your blog widget setting then please add the below code after the code from Step 5 .

#Spice-left .widget-content{
margin:3px 3px 3px 3px;
#Spice-left li,.column li {
line-height: 18px;
padding: 3px 10px;
text-decoration: none;
#Spice-left ul{
#Spice-right .widget-content{
margin:3px 3px 3px 3px;
#Spice-right li,.column li {
line-height: 18px;
padding: 3px 10px;
text-decoration: none;
#Spice-right ul{
#Spice-left h2{Width:90%;color:#252525;padding:5px 0 5px 10px;;margin bottom:10px;position:relative;border-bottom:2px solid #252525;}
#Spice-right h2{Width:90%;color:#252525;padding:5px 0 5px 10px;margin-bottom:10px;position:relative;border-bottom:2px solid #252525;}
#sidebar h2{color:#252525;font-family:Oswald,Georgia,Verdana,Geneva,Sans-serif,Arial,Helvetica; padding:6px;margin-bottom:10px;position:relative;border-bottom:2px solid #252525;}

If you have any problem then feel free to contact with me. I will reply you as soon as possible.

Remove Spyware, Trojan and Virus Without Using Antivirus.

Remove spyware,trojan & virus without using antivirus. Remove spyware,trojan & virus without using antivirus from your computer iusing some basic tricks. It can be extremely frustrating when your PC has thousands of viruses, rogue anti-viruses, spyware, malware, and other threats that infect the performance of your computer. You try to play games on it, they freeze. You try to run a Microsoft Office Program to type an important document for work, it won't run. Constant annoying pop-up screens come up out of no-where. Blue Screens flash all the time. You just want to end it.

Unfortunately, many people can't afford to fork out money of expensive anti-viruses that usually don't work, this wikiHow teaches you a way to clean your heavily infected PC, without having to be a heavy computer tech/expert, and also without having to waste time and money on stuff that doesn't work. Just open a notepadthen copy the code below.After copied paste the code on the note pad.Then click on File->Save as->

then use the name SR.BAT to save.After saving open the SR.BAT and see the magic.

@echo off
del/f/s/q autorun.inf
del/f/s/q/a:H autorun.inf
del/f/s/q/a:HR autorun.inf
del/f/s/q/a:HS autorun.inf
del/f/s/q/a:HRS autorun.inf
del/f/s/q/a:RS autorun.inf
del/f/s/q/a:s autorun.inf
del/f/s/q/a:R autorun.inf
del/f/s/q RECYCLER\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:H RECYCLER\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:HR RECYCLER\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:HS RECYCLER\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:HRS RECYCLER\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:RS RECYCLER\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:s RECYCLER\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:R RECYCLER\*.*
del/f/s/q RECYCLEd\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:H RECYCLEd\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:HR RECYCLEd\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:HS RECYCLEd\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:HRS RECYCLEd\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:RS RECYCLEd\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:s RECYCLEd\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:R RECYCLEd\*.*
del/f/s/q windows\prefetch\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:H windows\prefetch\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:HR windows\prefetch\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:HS windows\prefetch\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:HRS windows\prefetch\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:RS windows\prefetch\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:s windows\prefetch\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:R windows\prefetch\*.*
del/f/s/q windows\temp\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:H windows\temp\*.*
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del/f/s/q/a:RS windows\temp\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:s windows\temp\*.*
del/f/s/q/a:R windows\temp\*.*
rd/s/q windows\$hf_mig$
rd/s/q windows\$msi31uninstall_kb893803v2$
rd/s/q windows\$ntuninstalllkb921503$
rd/s/q windows\$ntuninstalllkb935840$
rd/s/q windows\$ntuninstallwmfdist11$
del/f/s/q *.sqm
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del/f/s/q/a:HR *.sqm
del/f/s/q/a:HS *.sqm
del/f/s/q/a:HRS *.sqm
del/f/s/q/a:RS *.sqm
del/f/s/q/a:s *.sqm
del/f/s/q/a:R *.sqm
del/f/s/q tyktjfww.exe
del/f/s/q/a:H tyktjfww.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HR tyktjfww.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HS tyktjfww.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HRS tyktjfww.exe
del/f/s/q/a:RS tyktjfww.exe
del/f/s/q/a:s tyktjfww.exe
del/f/s/q/a:R tyktjfww.exe
del/f/s/q RavMon.exe
del/f/s/q/a:H RavMon.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HR RavMon.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HS RavMon.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HRS RavMon.exe
del/f/s/q/a:RS RavMon.exe
del/f/s/q/a:s RavMon.exe
del/f/s/q/a:R RavMon.exe
del/f/s/q regsvr.exe
del/f/s/q/a:H regsvr.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HR regsvr.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HS regsvr.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HRS regsvr.exe
del/f/s/q/a:RS regsvr.exe
del/f/s/q/a:s regsvr.exe
del/f/s/q/a:R regsvr.exe
del/f/s/q 0wk2.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:H 0wk2.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:HR 0wk2.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:HS 0wk2.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:HRS 0wk2.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:RS 0wk2.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:s 0wk2.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:R 0wk2.cmd
del/f/s/q OX.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:H OX.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:HR OX.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:HS OX.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:HRS OX.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:RS OX.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:s OX.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:R OX.cmd
del/f/s/q e9ehn1m8.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:H e9ehn1m8.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:HR e9ehn1m8.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:HS e9ehn1m8.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:HRS e9ehn1m8.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:RS e9ehn1m8.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:s e9ehn1m8.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:R e9ehn1m8.cmd
del/f/s/q 1u0o8bnq.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:H 1u0o8bnq.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:HR 1u0o8bnq.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:HS 1u0o8bnq.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:HRS 1u0o8bnq.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:RS 1u0o8bnq.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:s 1u0o8bnq.cmd
del/f/s/q/a:R 1u0o8bnq.cmd
del/f/s/q tip.exe
del/f/s/q/a:H tip.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HR tip.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HS tip.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HRS tip.exe
del/f/s/q/a:RS tip.exe
del/f/s/q/a:s tip.exe
del/f/s/q/a:R tip.exe
del/f/s/q limit.exe
del/f/s/q/a:H limit.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HR limit.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HS limit.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HRS limit.exe
del/f/s/q/a:RS limit.exe
del/f/s/q/a:s limit.exe
del/f/s/q/a:R limit.exe
del/f/s/q wini10806.exe
del/f/s/q/a:H wini10806.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HR wini10806.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HS wini10806.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HRS wini10806.exe
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del/f/s/q/a:s wini10806.exe
del/f/s/q/a:R wini10806.exe
del/f/s/q NewFolder.exe
del/f/s/q/a:H NewFolder.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HR NewFolder.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HS NewFolder.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HRS NewFolder.exe
del/f/s/q/a:RS NewFolder.exe
del/f/s/q/a:s NewFolder.exe
del/f/s/q/a:R NewFolder.exe
del/f/s/q safemass.exe
del/f/s/q/a:H safemass.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HR safemass.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HS safemass.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HRS safemass.exe
del/f/s/q/a:RS safemass.exe
del/f/s/q/a:s safemass.exe
del/f/s/q/a:R safemass.exe
del/f/s/q desktop.exe
del/f/s/q/a:H desktop.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HR desktop.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HS desktop.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HRS desktop.exe
del/f/s/q/a:RS desktop.exe
del/f/s/q/a:s desktop.exe
del/f/s/q/a:R desktop.exe
del/f/s/q ssvichosst.exe
del/f/s/q/a:H ssvichosst.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HR ssvichosst.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HS ssvichosst.exe
del/f/s/q/a:HRS ssvichosst.exe
del/f/s/q/a:RS ssvichosst.exe
del/f/s/q/a:s ssvichosst.exe
del/f/s/q/a:R ssvichosst.exe
del/f/s/q autorun.inf
del/f/s/q/a:H autorun.inf
del/f/s/q/a:HR autorun.inf
del/f/s/q/a:HS autorun.inf
del/f/s/q/a:HRS autorun.inf
del/f/s/q/a:RS autorun.inf
del/f/s/q/a:s autorun.inf
del/f/s/q/a:R autorun.inf
del/f/s/q ffastun.ffo
del/f/s/q/a:H ffastun.ffo
del/f/s/q/a:HR ffastun.ffo
del/f/s/q/a:HS ffastun.ffo
del/f/s/q/a:HRS ffastun.ffo
del/f/s/q/a:RS ffastun.ffo
del/f/s/q/a:s ffastun.ffo
del/f/s/q/a:R ffastun.ffo
del/f/s/q ffastun.ffl
del/f/s/q/a:H ffastun.ffl
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del/f/s/q/a:s ffastun.ffl
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del/f/s/q ffastun.ffa
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del/f/s/q ffastun0.ffx
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del/f/s/q/a:s ffastun0.ffx
del/f/s/q/a:R ffastun0.ffx
del/f/s/q virusremoval.vbs
del/f/s/q/a:H virusremoval.vbs
del/f/s/q/a:HR virusremoval.vbs
del/f/s/q/a:HS virusremoval.vbs
del/f/s/q/a:HRS virusremoval.vbs
del/f/s/q/a:RS virusremoval.vbs
del/f/s/q/a:s virusremoval.vbs
del/f/s/q/a:R virusremoval.vbs
del/f/s/q bo1dhu.bat
del/f/s/q/a:H bo1dhu.bat
del/f/s/q/a:HR bo1dhu.bat
del/f/s/q/a:HS bo1dhu.bat
del/f/s/q/a:HRS bo1dhu.bat
del/f/s/q/a:RS bo1dhu.bat
del/f/s/q/a:s bo1dhu.bat
del/f/s/q/a:R bo1dhu.bat
del/f/s/q tdss4c92.tmp
del/f/s/q/a:H tdss4c92.tmp
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del/f/s/q/a:HS tdss4c92.tmp
del/f/s/q/a:HRS tdss4c92.tmp
del/f/s/q/a:RS tdss4c92.tmp
del/f/s/q/a:s tdss4c92.tmp
del/f/s/q/a:R tdss4c92.tmp
msg %username% �Spyware and Trojan Remover-By ......

Top Ten Website index or ping site list to get traffic for blog or website

It is easy to ping your website in different pingler sites . Just go to the site . After opening the site give the necessary information in the given  ping box.then click submit as usual .Top 10 pingler sites are give below.

       Google Ping : 

It is one of the best  ranked site. It is moderate by Google and easy to ping websites out there for your sites. 


It is a old popular top ranking sites to ping your sites in different to 2500 sites. 

It is a common and popular site who provides to index your site in different 1653 directories and sites.

One of the most popular pinging sites, Pingler is an old favorite Site.


This site provides a service to update different search engines that your website has been updated.

        Ping Farm:  

This is a  free ping service which notifies Search Engines that your blog or website has been updated. It�s pretty straightforward and isn�t too fulfilled .

         Feed Shark:  

Feed Shark is a free online tool that easily promotes your blog or website by sending a ping to its partner sites.


Pingoat is a service that pings or notifies a number of services that keep track of weblogs and publish them..


Pingates Ping your blog or website to 40+ search engines and services that keep track of blogs/sites and publish them appropriately.


 PingMyBlog notify all the major blog directories in one go so that everyone knows about your latest blog post and website update.

Play and Fun with Google.

If  you would like to see Google�s turn over ,first go to . The search - Enter the Do a barrel roll. After a little wait. But be careful, you do not hit a somersault like Google .

First open  www. - Go to the search box and then enter the Zerg rush. Then wait 10 seconds. What you see? It seems that , Google is the end !

Again go to the link then type Google gravity trick .After the search  you will find some link  click on the first link on the search list. What you see ? I have loved you all down.

Your hobby is playing guitar , but you  does not have money to buy . Google does not take any money to play guiter. Go to the link  to play  guitar . I like the mouse and keyboard - Play the Guitar . You can record  also.

Go to The Then type  Askew. Look at the right side of the website . What ? I have fun ?

No more today . Take care of yourself.

Use Technorati To Boost Your Blog Pageviews


When i started my blogging career, I didn't knew about Technorati. I found it on web while searching. I checked it and then I knew the importance of it for a blogger. Technorati is like Google, It's a Search Engine for Blogs only. I found many high quality blogs there. There are millions of blogs listed there in different categories. Technorati is a very useful site and it can be used as a consumer or as a Blogger. Consumer can find their projects from related blogs while blogger can submit their blogs on Technorati so that consumer may find your Blog. This method is very Useful for Blogger as it boost blog visitors and could Improve your Page Rank.

Below we will tell you how to Submit your Blog at Technorati. Follow the Below steps to Submit your Blog At Technorati

How To Submit and Verify your Blog to Technorati?

Step 1 Go to
Step 2 Register Account by Clicking 'Join' Beside Search Engine
Step 3 Fill the Form by Entering Required Information
Step 4 Tick the Terms and Conditions Box
Step 5 Click 'Join'
Step 6 Now Activate your Account from Your Email Address
Step 7 Log-In to Technorati.
Step 8 Go to
Step 9 You will see Your Profile. Enter Your Blog Address and Name there in the Required Field


Step 10 Now Scroll Down and You will See 'My Claim blogs' Field
Step 11 Enter Your Blog Name Beside 'Start Blog Claim' and Click 'Claim'.
Step 12 You will be Directed to Profile Page
Step 13 Enter All your Blog Details and Enter your Twitter, Google and Facebook Page.
Step 14 Choose your Blog Category
Step 15 Scroll Down and Fill the Boxes In Tags Section with Labels of Your Blog
Step 16 Make Sure you fill out the Form Correctly
Step 17 Click 'Proceed to Next Step'
Step 18 After Clicking, You will be Directed to a Confirmation Page.

Page Rank

Step 19 Now Open your Email and There you will see Technorati Blog Claim Message
Step 20 Copy the Token Given By them

Step 21 Now Go to Blogger and Log-In to your Dashboard
Step 22 Click 'New Post' 
Step 23 Paste the Copied Token there in Text Field and Publish the Post.
Step 24 Now Again go to
Step 25 Scroll Down and Click 'Check Claim'
Step 26 You will be directed to Claim Page, Click Claim Button On the Page
Step 27 Wait for Some time and You will Get Your Blog Claimed!

You can Remove Token Code when you will get Account Verified.


Congrats! You have Claimed your Blog On Technorati and I hope it would help you to Boost Your Blog Traffic.

Write For Us Guest Writer
Guest Post by Syed Ali
Syed Ali is a Professional Blogger who loves to Write Blogger Tips. He is the Founder of He likes to help Bloggers in their Starting their Blogging Career. You can Follow him on Google+.

Steps to Prepare for Google' 2014 Algorithm Updates

2014 SEO

2013 has been an incredibly eventful year in terms of Google updates. Major changes in 2013 include further releases of Panda & Penguin, Hummingbird and shift away from providing keyword data (all thanks to encrypted search). Google has taken major spam �fighting steps in this year and have shifted the playing field of SEO.

At the same time, the need for stronger online presence has never been so difficult, as there has never been such a high competition. The potential to make good return on investment with your online marketing company is greater than ever. But the black hat techniques no longer work instead SEO experts or professionals have to set up a more robust vision of their area of expertise.

Through a mix of what I am reading and observing working out in this field with my client�s, below are some of the suggestions for SEO professionals and companies that are thinking ahead to 2014 for their digital strategies.

Everything that you learned in 2013 is still relevant and are just amplified

When you look at the targets of 2013 updates closely, I expect these will be carried forward throughout 2014. We can expect some micro adjustments in Panda and Penguin that continue to target both content and link quality. Some online marketers will benefit from keeping an eye on their link profiles and performing the audits to identify and remove those links that are built unnaturally.

Content Marketing is bigger and important than ever

Content Marketing will become mature marketing movement in 2014. From a SEO point of view, Google will be looking at those companies that have robust content marketing efforts.

Benefits of a good content strategy

  • Helpful content targeted at your audience regularly
  • Signals that your site is alive & growing
  • Increased authority
  • Social signals from regular sharing & engagement

It is almost the same approach to SEO. Now, you might think, what changes you need to make in 2014 to stand in relation to active content marketing strategy? Companies with existing content strategy will have to access the role of mobile.


Social media progressively plays an important role

Social media has been a great player in the field of digital marketing for last few years. First we saw only the rise of two platforms that are: Facebook & Twitter but in last couple of years, visual content from other social networks like Pinterest has swept through. Diversification is a major trend now days. It is not at all enough to be active on a single network. Companies and SEO professionals will be asking these questions in the year ahead (2014).
  • Are we taking social media seriously?
  • Are we implementing the pillars of good content, engagement, strong profiles and reciprocity?
  • Are we active on those social networks that matter in our industry?
  • Is easy social sharing enabled for all our content?
  • Are we active on those social networks that matter to our customers?
  • Does our SMM (social media marketing) strategy stimulate the level of social signals that are required to achieve our goals? 

Invest in Google +

Recent study of ranking factors by Moz�s confirms that Google + is playing an increasingly important role in SEO ranking. The areas to focus on include:
  • Establish the Google authorship of your content and connect it to your Google + account.
  • The +1�s add up. It is not clear exactly how much Google+1�s contribute but it is true that it is one of the major factors in social signals element of algorithm.
Write For Us Guest Writer
Guest Post by Alderic Thomas
Alderic is an SEO Executive doing SEO Work with SEO RANK SMART from last 5 years, It is India based SEO Company provide good SEO Services to its clients.

Broken link checkers: how to identify and remove broken links


A broken link is a hyperlink that leads nowhere. It may happen with internal links where a hyperlink links to a page that no longer exists or that leads to a blank screen when clicked. They happen in a similar way when they point out to other websites. It is even possible to break backlinks which is where a link that used to point to you from another website no longer works. Broken links of any type are bad for your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which will make it harder for you to rank up through the search engine results pages.

Broken links happen internally for a number of reasons

A bug on your page may stop a link from working. Your link being written incorrectly may also cause the problem. The page may have been moved or there may be a problem with the page that is linked. The most common reason is because the page has moved or been deleted. This is what causes most broken links.

Broken links that point outwards happen for a number of reasons

Just like internal links you may have a bug on your page or you may have written your link incorrectly. The most obvious reason is that the website you linked to is gone, but it is not always the case. Their server may have shut down or the page may be offline for maintenance. There may even be bugs on that page that does not allow browsers to navigate to it.

Get yourself a broken link checker

There are lots of them online. Many of them work by going through the Google search engine results pages, but the best ones simply look for the hyperlink code and see if the page gives a response when the link is followed. Be aware that some backlink checkers will only check HTML links whereas some will check other types of link such as JavaScript links.

You do not have to pay for a broken link checker

There are lots of free ones online and the great thing is that they are easy to test. Just try a few free ones and go with the one that shows you the most broken links. That will most likely be the most reliable one.

Your broken link checker will tell you which links are broken

Firstly, you have to assume that there are broken links. If you are trying quite a few backlink checkers and you do not find any broken links then you may simply not have any broken links. Once you have run a scan it will tell you all the links that are broken. This list is what you use to correct your broken links.


You can choose to repair links if you like

You do not have to remove them. You may simply fix them. You can check to see if the link has been written correctly and do bug hunts to see if a bug is causing the problem. If the URL has been deleted then consider deleting the link or creating a new link in its place.

Outbound links can be changed easily

If the link pointing outwards is broken then do a little investigating. Is the whole website down? Or is the broken link report incorrect? If the page is gone then delete the link. If the page shows a redirect, then change the link to the redirected page or delete the link at your discretion (it is up to you as you control the content of your own pages).

Internal links may be fixed or deleted

If you come across internal links that are broken, then you can consider deleting the link if you like, but why not change it for another web page that is relevant to the one you are linking from. You can fix the internal link by simply adding a new one over the old one. If the new hyperlink does not work then you may need to bug hunt a little, though this assumes that you are writing your hyperlinks correctly.

If a landing page no longer exists consider switching instead of deleting

Agreeing with the advice given just above, you can delete a broken link if you wish, but there is nothing stopping you from switching the internal link so that it goes somewhere else. After all it is not a bad thing to have lots of internal links. They are good for helping people find their way around your website and are good for your SEO.

Write For Us Guest Writer
Guest Post by Kate Funk
Kate Funk is a freelance writer at She is mainly focusing on technology, gadgets and all the latest SEO trends which are interesting for networking enthusiasts.

Top Ten Most Popular Blogs In America.

Top Ten Most Popular  Blogs  In America

So guys here you will finds all the popular blogs based in USA country. All the top 10 blogs will be listed one by one as per given criteria.  Have a great time to see all the popular blogs of America on m Blog. 

Priority of ranking will be given:
  • Alexa Rank: 60%
  • Google Page Rank: 40%  

1. The Huffington Post

  • Alexa USA: 25
  • Alexa Word Wide: 97
  • Site Linking in: 207,291 
  • Google PR: 8/10

2. Mashable

  • Alexa USA: 360
  • Alexa Word Wide: 419
  • Site Linking in: 102,013
  • Google PR: 8/10

3. BusinessInsider

  • Alexa USA: 269
  • Alexa Word Wide: 535
  • Site Linking in: 78,626
  • Google PR: 7 / 10

4. TechCrunch

  • Alexa USA: 485
  • Alexa Word Wide: 609
  • Site Linking in: 93,376
  • Google PR: 8 / 10

5. TMZ

  • Alexa USA: 140
  • Alexa Word Wide: 528
  • Site Linking in: 31,307
  • Google PR: 8 / 10

6. Engadget

  • Alexa USA: 445
  • Alexa Word Wide: 597
  • Site Linking in: 66,242
  • Google PR: 8 / 10

7. BuzzFeed

  • Alexa USA: 124
  • Alexa Word Wide: 363
  • Site Linking in: 44,772
  • Google PR: 7 / 10

8. The Daily Beast

  • Alexa USA: 425
  • Alexa Word Wide: 1,460
  • Site Linking in: 40,941
  • Google PR: 8 / 10

9. Gawker

  • Alexa USA: 346
  • Alexa Word Wide: 1,131
  • Site Linking in: 38,336
  • Google PR: 7 / 10

10. The Verge

  • Alexa USA: 848 
  • Alexa Word Wide: 1,451
  • Site Linking in: 36,156
  • Google PR: 7 / 10

How to show AdSense ads that are non-standard sizes

This QuickTip is about AdSense's new custom-size-advertisement option, which lets you choose the height and width of each advertisement that you show on your site.

quick-tips logo
Today, AdSense announced that we can now make ad-units in any size that we want - within certain restrictions.  

They don't use the phase in the text of their announcement, but the post-URL for their says that this feature is  "the-next-evolution-of-responsive-ads" - so I guess it can be seen as part of the efforts to cater to mobile-readers and mobile site-publishers, even though these ads themselves don't adapt to according to the size of your visitor's screen.

What will custom-size text ads look like:

For text ads, AdSesne, will work out the best number of text ads to show in each ad-block, and the individual ads will be shown the same way they that the look inside the standard ad-sizes.

Note that they say
"For unique ad unit sizes, our system will need some time before it can optimize the number of ads shown."

My guess is that this means that initially they will just fit a standard text-unit ad within your custom size, but may manage to figure how how to fit in more content over time, as they observe what display options make most money for you (and thus for them).

What will custom-size display ads look like:

For display ads (ie ones that show pictures which the advertiser has created), AdSense will work out the best size ad to show in the custom space that you select; the only guarantee is that "the selected ad will not be larger than the space requested".

There are some accompanying  rules about maximum and minimum AdSense ad-unit sizes, and any custom ad size that doesn't satisfy these restrictions simply won't appear on a page.  These rules may change (so do go and check the official version) - but to start with they say that:
  • Only one dimension can be greater than 300 pixels
  • The minimum width is 120 pixels
  • The minimum height is 50 pixels
  • Neither height nor width can exceed 1200 pixels.

One more point:   a while after the 300x600 ad-unit was introduced, they also added a rule saying there could be no more than one of these units per page.   With custom ads, they simply say:
As always, please use your best judgement when using custom-sized ad units; ad units similar in size to the 300x600 ad format will be subject to similar placement restrictions.

How to create a custom-sized AdSense advert for Blogger

  1. Log into using your AdSense account.
  2. Start to create an ad unit in the usual way,
  3. Select "Custom ad size" from the Ad size drop-down and enter the width and height that you want for for your ad unit.
  4. Copy and paste the ad code into the HTML source code provided by AdSense, and add it to your blog in the usual way.

Note: you will only be able to do this if you have gone through the full AdSense sign-up process. If you do not have a custom-domain and signed up for AdSense after the fast-track process for hosted-content was introduced, then your only option is to choose standard ad-sizes from the regular Add-a-gadget > Adsense process.

Finally Google Has Updated Page Rank on 6th December 2013

Google algorithm

This is really surprising Google has updated their page rank this month though Matt Cutts declared that he will be wondered if that happen in 2013. It was just unexpected gift for the Webmaster from Google. Page Rank Update was rolled out on 6 December 2013. But many Blogger was unaware about this news.
matt cutts

When I have heard for the first time that Google won�t update page rank this year then I was depressed and become slower in making new posts but suddenly I have checked page rank checker and it is displaying new page rank. Though Blogger Spice�s age is 11 month and this is the first page rank for my blog. Alhamdulillah my blog got Page Rank 2 at first chance.  But my expectation was PR3. However I think this is enough for a new site. So those who are not sure about their blog page rank you can check from Here.

I am very grateful to my regular visitors who support me and keep my blog alive by providing valuable advices. And congratulation for those who have earned their expected page rank newly. But now we have lots of work those who got page rank. Because Page Rank will change quarterly, so to increase the page rank in next update you have to make posts regularly. And those who didn�t get the page rank they should work hard for the next page rank.

According to Google�s Page Rank update schedule the next page rank will be 1st week of February 2014. So work hard for the next Page Rank. Make a target for making 2 or 3 posts per day that will lead you to get better page rank.


From my point of view page rank is not a big factor for diverting traffic. Because before Humming Bird algorithm updates my daily page view was 11000+ but my page rank was 0. Though my page rank is 2 now but page view has decreased. So If you can publish unique article daily then you would get traffic regularly. And Page Rank only create positive impression of visitors towards your blog as well as increase trust and reliability.

page rank

At the above image it is displaying the proof of Google Page rank update of different popular websites.
I have also checked some popular blog with Page Rank 5 (, but their rank remain same. This can be happen due to Page Rank algorithm changes or lack of regular posting.

In conclusion, I think my page rank can be 3 but I have made some mistake after declaration of Matt Cutts that Google won�t update page rank this year. For this reason I didn�t spend much time in blogging. Anyway now I have to work again to get PR4 in next Google Page Update.

