Difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com

WordPress Domain

There are many user wants to select WordPress platform for blogging and zillions of are switch Google Blogger Platform to WordPress. Because we know WordPress is more secured than Google Blogspot.

There are two suffix are using by WordPress, WordPress.com and WordPress.org, as a result newbie always confused that which one they will use for starting their blogging on WordPress platform. Some blogger also don�t know the difference between them and which one is perfect for blogging or website?

Distinct feature of WordPress.org

WordPress.org is a strong blogging platform where you can upgrade the latest CMS (Content Management System) version, use plugins and you must be host on a hosting server. You can use unlimited themes and plugins as well as you would get WordPress community support.

This the web site where you will find thousands of themes and plugins, WordPress news, community support etc. Beside of this there are some key benefits of WordPress.org are as follows-
  • You would able to install custom themes and able to use free and premium plugins.
  • You can control your whole site data and nobody can delete your site if you violate terms of services.
  • You can earn money by using affiliate ads.
  • You can buy storage space according to your need.
  • You can use FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or WordPress dashboard for upload, edit your themes.
  • You have to backup and maintenance your site by yourself.
Wordpress blog

Distinct feature of WordPress.com

If you are planning to build a free blog then WordPress.com is perfect for you but it has many restriction and limitation. Suppose, you can�t use any plugins, Limited themes can be used without any customization, you can�t monetize your site by affiliate ads and some cases WordPress will display their ads on your site. In addition, after your domain name WordPress.com (e.g. http://bloggerspice.wordPress.com) will visible. And any time your blog or site can be deleted if you violate terms of services.However you don�t have to have knowledge about hosting, customizing etc. Because after registering you can start blogging. Beside of this there are some key benefits of WordPress.com are as follows-
  • You don�t have to go for manual hosting or spend money for hosting site.
  • Initially you would get 3 GB free space but if you need more then you can purchase according to your needs.
10 GB storage price is $20 per year.
25 GB storage price is $50 per year.
100 GB storage price is $160 per year
  • WordPress will automatically backup, maintenance and upgrades your blog.
If you are a newbie and want to take blogging as your hobby or for personal use without money earning intention then you can choose WordPress.com. On contrary of you want to start a professional site with your own brand then you have to go for WordPress.org otherwise you won�t able to do blogging or maintain website with freedom. 
