Best Advertising Program is Google Adsense. Adsense has the highest paying rate than other advertising program. Getting approved from adsense is very difficult. And also Adsense team is very strict about its Program Policies and TOS. If they find anyone who is violating their terms and policies, they will disable that Adsense account. Once your account is disabled, it�s very hard to revive that account again.Google AdSense program does not permit AdSense ad code to be placed in email messages or newsletters. Nor are you allowed to add AdSense ads in software application, browser tools, extensions, etc.
So It is very important to follow the Adsense guidelines to protect adsense account. The common mistakes of people is putting Adsense Ad on a page on wrong position and amount. But Google has some Ad placement policies about the limits of the maximum number of ad units on a page.
Today I will discribe about it.
According to Adsense Ad Placement Policies, Google Adsense publishers can place up to:
This means you can add maximum 8 Adsense Ad units in a single webpage. Where 3 Contents, 3 text links and 2 search boxes are allowed.
Adsense Content Units include text, image or rich media ads. A Maximum of Three (3) AdSense for content units (text, image or rich media) on one webpage. Content units are available in these sizes(Text & Display):
Sample of Ad:
This image collected from Google for share only for making easy to understand for reader. Not for copyright.
You already came to know that you can place up to Three (3) Adsense for content units on one webpage. This includes a maximum of ONE (1) 300�600 ad unit (or similar sized ad) per page.
Adsense Link Units are closely targeted to the interests of your readers and contents. Link unit is one of the best performing ad units. It works great under navigation menu, tags, labels, related posts and so on. A maximum of Three (3) AdSense link units (horizontal or vertical) Link units are available in these sizes:
You can place up to 2 link units per page.
Adsense Search Units lets you to place a Search Engine box on your site. Which will help your readers to find their desired posts / pages / contents quickly. You�ll also earn revenue from relevant ads on the search results page. A maximum of Two (2) Google Search Boxes on one web page (it can be Google custom search as well but make sure the Google logo is visible).
Sample of Ad:
You can place up to 2 search boxes per page.
So Adsense allowed to place maximum 8 Adsense ads per page. But bear in mind that It doesn�t mean placing 8 ad units will increase your revenue. Sometimes less units perform better and will increase your revenue and click rate. So, Be honest. Don�t place too many ads if you don�t want to get penalized by Panda.
Using too many ads may also reduce your website loading speed.
Sometimes, We noticed that some sites display more ad units than the maximum. It's wondering for us. But, you may also add if You are a Premium Adsense Publisher.
They are Premium Adsense Publishers who are using more ad units than the maximum . And Adsense permits them to place more ad units.
To become a Premium Adsense Publisher, A website may have minimum 10,000 page views per day. Once Adsense team think that your site is good enough to be a Premium Adsense Publisher, An Adsense representative will contact and make account to Premium. So keep trying to be a Premium Adsense Publisher.
That's end .I wish everybody will be able to understand it . If any confusion, Feel free to ask. Have a Happy Blogging Journey
Maximum Number of Google Adsense Ads Allowed Per Page, Maximum Allowed Adsense ad units on a Web Page? AdSenseAd placement policies, How Many Google AdSense Ads are Allowed Per Page?, Maximum Total Google Ads Per Page, maximum how many adsense ads is allowed in a page ?, Total Google Adsense Ads Per Page Limit Changed?, Maximum Allowed Adsense Ad Units Per Page
So It is very important to follow the Adsense guidelines to protect adsense account. The common mistakes of people is putting Adsense Ad on a page on wrong position and amount. But Google has some Ad placement policies about the limits of the maximum number of ad units on a page.
Today I will discribe about it.
According to Adsense Ad Placement Policies, Google Adsense publishers can place up to:
- Maximum of Three (3) Adsense for content units.
- Maximum of Three (3) Adsense Link units.
- Maximum of Two (2) search boxes on ONE (1) web page.
This means you can add maximum 8 Adsense Ad units in a single webpage. Where 3 Contents, 3 text links and 2 search boxes are allowed.
Details Of Adsense Ad Units.
1. Adsense Content Units
Adsense Content Units include text, image or rich media ads. A Maximum of Three (3) AdSense for content units (text, image or rich media) on one webpage. Content units are available in these sizes(Text & Display):
- 300�250 (Medium Rectangle)
- 336�280 (Large Rectangle)
- 728�90 (Leaderboard)
- 160�600 (Wide Skycraper)
- 320�50 (Mobile Banner)
- 234�60 (Half Banner)
- 320�100 (Large Mobile Banner)
- 468�60 (Banner)
- 970�90 (Large Leaderboard)
- 970�250 (Billboard)
- 120�600 (Skycraper)
- 120�240 (Vertical Banner)
- 300�600 (Large Skycraper).
- Responsive Design
Sample of Ad:
![]() |
Display ad 300�250 |
![]() |
Text ad 300�250 |
You already came to know that you can place up to Three (3) Adsense for content units on one webpage. This includes a maximum of ONE (1) 300�600 ad unit (or similar sized ad) per page.
2. Adsense Link Units
Adsense Link Units are closely targeted to the interests of your readers and contents. Link unit is one of the best performing ad units. It works great under navigation menu, tags, labels, related posts and so on. A maximum of Three (3) AdSense link units (horizontal or vertical) Link units are available in these sizes:
- 728�15 (Horizontal Large)
- 468�15 (Horizontal Medium)
- 200�90 (Vertical X-Large)
- 180�90 (Vertical Large)
- 160�90 (Vertical Medium)
- 120�90 (Vertical Small)
![]() |
Links Ad 468�15 |
![]() |
Links Ad 200�90 |
You can place up to 2 link units per page.
3. Adsense For Search
Adsense Search Units lets you to place a Search Engine box on your site. Which will help your readers to find their desired posts / pages / contents quickly. You�ll also earn revenue from relevant ads on the search results page. A maximum of Two (2) Google Search Boxes on one web page (it can be Google custom search as well but make sure the Google logo is visible).
Sample of Ad:
Adsense for search |
You can place up to 2 search boxes per page.
So Adsense allowed to place maximum 8 Adsense ads per page. But bear in mind that It doesn�t mean placing 8 ad units will increase your revenue. Sometimes less units perform better and will increase your revenue and click rate. So, Be honest. Don�t place too many ads if you don�t want to get penalized by Panda.
Using too many ads may also reduce your website loading speed.
Sometimes, We noticed that some sites display more ad units than the maximum. It's wondering for us. But, you may also add if You are a Premium Adsense Publisher.
They are Premium Adsense Publishers who are using more ad units than the maximum . And Adsense permits them to place more ad units.
To become a Premium Adsense Publisher, A website may have minimum 10,000 page views per day. Once Adsense team think that your site is good enough to be a Premium Adsense Publisher, An Adsense representative will contact and make account to Premium. So keep trying to be a Premium Adsense Publisher.
That's end .I wish everybody will be able to understand it . If any confusion, Feel free to ask. Have a Happy Blogging Journey