Google is becoming Excel in all online section and they are constantly experimenting with various ground. We have already got many Google�s outcomes of experiment which is completely unique and improved.
Recently Google is running a �small experiment� with enormous banner advertisements for queries that are associated with brands. A Digital marketing company whose name is Synrgy first discover sponsored ad when Google running this experiment on Southwest Airlines. Synrgy posted a photo on their Twitter page showing the huge sponsored banner that displayed after a search for "southwest airlines".We have seen Southwest Airlines ad takings up an ample portion of the search result page and no that page not any other ads appear.
You can see from screenshot below of search results page for the query about southwest airlines. You will be Notice the non-brand, standard AdWords text ads from CheapOair and Chase credit cards.
Google is experiment on the search result cover photo added on Facebook which is followed by some top links on Southwest's official website.Google spokesperson confirmed"This is a very limited test in the US; one of many we run,�.
The main purpose of this giant banner ads to drive more traffic to the advertiser. It will work more wisely than traditional search ads. As a result advertiser will completely benefited when Google will finalize this experiment. Numerous advertise, large size Business company owners will be able to take advantage of that space with their own branded image that will take the user to their website page.
According to Google spoke person they are just in trial stage so if you test on search result to see the giant banner ads then you would not able to see it often. Because this type of results aren't too high just yet.