Slapped by Hummingbird algorithm so what to do now for safeguarding our Blog? Google�s 15th Birthday has reveal about Hummingbird algorithm update where zillions of site was affected by this which is also known as worst Google Update ever. As a result many blogger�s link has dropped from higher SERP to bottom. You will find many site links are not in Google search engine. I personally receive many email from other webmaster that their daily page views dropped 1500 to 100, it�s just like mass disaster in search traffic by hummingbird algorithm update. Hummingbird will answer your search query rather displaying result. So first we should know what is does hummingbird do to a site?
What Does Google Hummingbird Do to a site?
Google�s latest trend to make search engine easier who make search query. For this reason Google is using NLP (Natural Language Processing) to improve its results. Google�s Hummingbird practicesseveral traditional ranking method that Google use to earlier but with a twist.
Before introducing Hummingbird Google searchengine use to display a search result based on keywords or words or phrases but now it this tradition has changed because now it based on the full meaning of the query.
Suppose you have written in search engine-
- Why we should use Google blogger?
Earlier those blog which has already got place on higher SERPs (Search Engine Result page) Google display those blog link on search engine. Even if a single word (e.g. blogger) match with search query.
But hummingbird has brought change on this tradition now Search Engine will display the most relevant result. So if any blog or site has published article similar to search query those will get priority on SERP. Such as-
- Should we use Google blogger for 5 reasons?
- Why millions of Blogger use Google blogging platform?
So now the entire sentence or queryget priority rather than particular words or phrase in Search query.
Beside of this another factor work best that hummingbird isolate the all better most relevant result for SERP.
Readmore: Effects of Google's Hummingbird Algorithm Update
Readmore: Effects of Google's Hummingbird Algorithm Update
Now Search engine also give priority on location. Suppose if you write on search engine from India that where the national museum then Search engine is? Then it will display Indian national museum related links. If your location is from Bangladesh or Pakistan then in search engine result it will display Bangladeshi or Pakistani�s national museum related link.
How Do you Safeguard Against Hummingbird?
The best way to overcome any negative implications from Google�s latest Algorithm is to descriptive answer or article in posts. Beside of this, from my best knowledge I have identified some steps we can take for safeguarding our site against Hummingbird algorithm.
1. Publish fresh content with unique Post title
This is one of the most appropriate thing where we can take place in higher SERPs by writing fresh content with unique post title. And write your post title in 3 ways
- For Post title (e.g. Safeguard Against Hummingbird Algorithm Updates)
- For Permalink (e.g. How to Overcome from Hummingbird Algorithm Updates)
- For Search Result (e.g. How to protect site from Hummingbird Algorithm Updates)
This will maximize your post link appearance in search result. That means if a readers make search query that relevant or match with any of 3 then your blog link will appear in search result.
2. Write Innovative content with understandable language.
There are many blogger who use complex sentence or word in blog which is use by very less readers. So write innovative content with simple understandable language. As a result if Search engine will display your link on search result most often. But it is not guarantee that your blog link will always appear in higher SERP but there has not possible to get affected by Hummingbird or any other algorithm.
3. Locally optimize your blog if required
Your blog can be locally optimize for best result on local search engine. I have already explain that Google will display most accurate and relevant result. So if your blog is Indian then try to use Indian demographic locations name or phrase on post title. Because location is also a biggest factor to appear in search result.
4. Regular update blog with quality content
Hummingbird launched for identify the quality and relevant content. So write quality content and publish regular which will love by Google search engine and hummingbird will welcome you to cast your content link in quality category. Beside of this there is a good value of daily blog update that Google will crawl your site often.
Readmore: What the benefits of daily blog updates and why we should updates daily?
Readmore: What the benefits of daily blog updates and why we should updates daily?
5. Cultivate relevant inbound links.
Due to hummingbird update generally our blog page view has decrease dramatically so we should cultivate our inbound link to increase the page view. If you can include 3 or 4 link in each post then your daily page view will automatically increase. But remember that the internal link should be relevant with your current content.
In conclusion I will recommend you to practice proper SEO trick because still has SEO value on search engine to create a good place on SERP (Search Engine Result page). Make your blog user friendly, Use Responsive blogger template thus you can avail traffic from smart device. Though Hummingbird concerned with high quality content but we have to try with our best effort to overcome from its effect. If you have any valuable suggestion kindly suggest for our valuable readers.