How to create a Password Protected Page in Blogger?

add password to blog page

Password Protected page is only possible in WordPress Blog but what about Blogger? Can we protect certain page by adding password or not?

I was trying to protect my several page for restricting the visitors to visit but in Blogger platform hasn�t such things to protect it. Because Blogger don�t have Plugins for protecting any specific page. Either you have to add password on whole Blog or you have to make the Blog private. So our main objective won�t serve.

In WordPress Blog we have seen Blog owner used Password Protected page for delivering exclusive content to their VIP subscriber. Suppose you have written an eBook and now you want to deliver this eBook to your blogs subscriber only. In this case you won�t able restrict access of all visitors on Blogger. In this case Password Protected page work like charm. Because without password your Blog�s subscriber won�t able to get access on content�s page.

So Password Protected option is necessary. You can increase your Blog subscriber as well as your exclusive content will be protected from public access. To add password on specific Blogger page please follow the below steps-

Step 1 Log in to your Blogger Account and Go to your Blogger Dashboard

Step 2 Click on -> Pages -> New Page-> Blank Page

Step 3 Now choose HTML view instead of Compose view and copy the below script and Paste it on the page.
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Password Protection Script by*/
var password = 'BloggerSpice'
password=prompt('Please enter the password to enter this page:','');
if (password != 'BloggerSpice') {
location.href='PAGE URL HERE';


  • Alter BloggerSpice with page password.
  • Replace PAGE URL HERE with your page URL where you want to set password.

Step 4 Finally hit the publish button.

For testing the password protected page visit that page and see it is required password to get access.

protect page by password

In this trick I have used simple JavaScript and just you have to set password and you can change password according to your own. And remember about to change page URL. You should change URL for applying the password. Thank you.
