Fix Common Google Play Store Error Codes Quickly [2016]

As you are come to see this page that means you obviously facing one of the common errors while downloading or updating apps on your android device. No worries; we are here again, learn how to get solved and be ready for future issues mostly happened with App Store. The 'play store app down' is one of the major error in play store in addition to it there are lots of errors have also existed like; No Connection - Retry error message, Google Play Store Error 963, Error 491, Error 18, Error 495, Error 103, 'insufficient storage available' error message, or error retrieving information from server, error downloading, authentication error, insufficient storage error, check your connection and try again error, Google play store has stopped. Learn how to fix common Google play store app error codes 491, 413, 495, 941, 921, 924, 923, 926, 961, 963, 504, -506, 693, 919, DF-BPA_09, Df-Dferh-01 & Error -24. Google play store is nothing but the online market website to download and installs various apps for user requirements. For the Google play store mobile application download is easy but these Google play service app download errors like play store stop working, are generally caused with many of us in several times, that when you are going to try to download or update the application on Android devices. The result is only a cryptic error message having some random numbers from Google play store. It�s not only disturbs you but make panic situation.

Fix Google Play Store Error Codes
Fix Google Play Store Error Codes
Android Customers use Google play store to Download, Install and update several Apps on their devices. No doubt Google play store is the greatest and trustworthy source that users choose to download their desired apps but many a times user face some Errors in google play store. Some error are easy to understand but some are hard to get solved. Last time we have seen, On Screen Display Flickering Error by Android [SOLVED] and [Fixed] Unknown Error Code During Application Install: "-24" - Android App Installation Problem. Today we are going to be familiar to some of the common Google Play Store Errors and their solutions; as below.

Common Google Play Store Error Codes & Solutions to Fix Them Quickly

Gratefully though, there is a technique to get rid of this error message so that you can once again start using your phone the way it was meant to be used. We will assist you and list some methods to fix this errors which will help you to get rid of it. Today, we have taken some time to list few of the most reported Google Play Store errors and the simple workarounds to solve them.

Google Play Store Error Code 495:

You not able to download or update apps from play store.
Remedy: Delete your Play Store data. For this, go to Setting >> Apps >> All >> Google Play Store >> CLEAR DATA and also delete your data from Google services framework.

If you still facing issue, then delete your Google Account on your device, then reboot your phone and re-add. For this, go to Setting >> Accounts >> add Account >> Google Account.

Google Play Store Error DF-BPA_09:

Error processing purchase �This happens quite often when trying to download on app.
Remedy: Delete your Play Store data. For this, go to Setting >> Apps >> All >> Google services framework >> CLEAR DATA

Google Play Store Error Code 941:

Problem is interruption during update. This usually happens when users try to update or download an app or a game.
Remedy: Delete your Play Store data. For this, go to Setting >> Apps >> All >> Google Play Store >> CLEAR DATA & CLEAR CACHE

Google Play Store Error Code 504:

Problem occurred in downloading the app from store.
Remedy: Delete your Play Store data. For this, go to Setting >> Apps >> All >> Google Play Store >> CLEAR DATA & CLEAR CACHE
Also clear cache and data for Google Services Framework.

Google Play Store Error Code 919:

This problem occurs when you downloading App. First apps get downloaded but it does not open once downloaded. This is because of lack of space.
Remedy: Eliminate all unnecessary data, like music, videos or bulky applications.

Google Play Store Error Code491:

This problem shows Downloading and Updating the apps are impossible.
Remedy: Go to the Setting then delete your Google Account on your device, then reboot your phone and re-add. For this, go to Setting >> Accounts >> add Account >> Google Account.
Then, after above step, scroll down to Google Services, then click clear data and finally force stop.

Google Play Store Error Code413:

Problem shows that - In these Application download and updates are impossible.
Remedy: Delete your Play Store data. For this, go to Setting >> Apps >> All >> Google Play Store >> CLEAR DATA & CLEAR CACHE
Also clear cache from your internet browser.

Google Play Store Error Code 921:

Problem- you can�t download on App.
Remedy: Delete your Play Store data. For this, go to Setting >> Apps >> All >> Google Play Store >> CLEAR DATA and also delete your data from Google services framework.
If you still facing issue, then delete your Google Account on your device, then reboot your phone and re-add. For this, go to Setting >> Accounts >> add Account >> Google Account.

Google Play Store Error Code923:

Problem: Download is impossible, error while syncing your Google Account or insufficient cache memory.
Remedy: First delete your Google Account on your device, then reboot your phone and re-add. For this, go to Setting >> Accounts >> add Account >> Google Account.
Then delete any unusable applications that are taking much space and then reboot.

Google Play Store Install Error Code 961:

Problem- Sometimes it occurs when you Installing Android apps from the Play Store.
Remedy: It might also be due to bad proxy settings, try clearing or re-entering the proxy of your mobile data connection/WiFi from the settings. Next is go to the Setting of your device >> Apps >> All >> Google Play Store >> CLEAR DATA and also delete your data from Google services framework.
Try using an alternate Google account to download the applications, if it works, try adding the previous account again and reboot the device.

Error -24

This error occurred while downloading app.
Remedy: Install the app manually, by its apk.

The solutions for the errors described are based on the experiences of operators as well as technicals. If you encounter any other problems with Google Play, feel free to share your experiences in the comments.
